DHA conducted an Invitation round on 21 January 2022
Total of 400 applicants were invited
Subclass 189 200 Invitations
Subclass 491 200 Invitations (Family Sponsored)
Invitation Process and Cut off details:
| | Latest date of effect month |
Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) | | |
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491 Family Sponsored) | | |
Occupations included in 21 January 2022 Invitation Round
| | Lowest Points Score Invited subclass 189 | Lowest Points Score Invited subclass 491 (FSR) |
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Emergency Medicine Specialist | | | |
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Environmental Scientists nec | | | |
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Medical Diagnostic Radiographer | | | |
Medical Laboratory Scientist | | | |
Medical Practitioners nec | | | |
Medical Radiation Therapist | | | |
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Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) | | | |
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Nuclear Medicine Technologist | | | |
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Registered Nurse (Aged Care) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Community Health) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Medical) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Perioperative) | | | |
Registered Nurse (Surgical) | | | |
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Point scores and the dates of effect cut off for the pro rata occupations in the 21 January 2022 invitation round.
No pro rata occupations were invited during the 21 January 2022 round.