RDA Riverina has published on the website that they are now open and accepting EOI/Applications for the skilled regional migration visa (489).
Riverina region will also honour special considerations for the applicants who
- have studied in the Riverina and;
- are planning to settle or;
- have genuine paid employment in the Riverina (related to the qualifications/nominated occupation)
More information about the payments of the EOI is also made available. Applicant must be able to pay the $220 fees at the time of EOI application and remaining $550 at the time of submitting application (if invited).
You can find the Riverina Occupation list here: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59ae4a2a6f4ca38d47990cd8/t/5d2d61c221bd75000161d237/1563255236757/RDA-Skills+in+Demand+list+for+the+Riverina+region+of++NSW-July+2019.pdf
Source: https://rdariverina.org.au/skilled-migration/