South Australia 2022-23 Business Innovation and Investment Program opening soon


South Australia 2022-23 Business Innovation and Investment Program opening soon

South Australia has received an interim allocation of 70 Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) nomination places from the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs and will open the state nominated BIIP program on Thursday 8 September 2022.

  • Business Innovation Stream (Subclass 188A)  
    Applicants will be required to submit an Intention to apply (ITA) for consideration. ITAs from high quality applicants, who can create genuine and sustainable business opportunities in South Australia, may be invited to apply for state nomination.   

  • Investor Stream (Subclass 188B) and Significant Investor Stream (Subclass 188C)  
    Assessing applications from candidates for Subclass 188B and Subclass 188C by considering each application on its merits and the broader benefit to South Australia. 

  • Entrepreneur Stream (Subclass 188E)  
    Applicants under this stream will continue to require the endorsement of an approved Service Provider before lodging a state nomination application.


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