RDA Southern Inland have updated their occupation list on their website. Although RDA has updated the occupation list, they have not announced anything about the applications of the state nomination program 2019-20. The exact start date of the new migration program has not been confirmed yet.
Here's some highlights from the new occupation list:
- Registered Nurse (all specialisations) and Midwife require at least 2 years of experience to be eligible for the occupation.
- Hospitality and Tourism occupations like Chef, Cook, and trades occupations have no extra conditions imposed for the state nomination.
You can download the new occupation list here: https://rdasi.org.au/assets/RegionalMigration/f20d163058/1st-July-Skilled-Occupations-List-Updated-PDF-.pdf
Source: https://rdasi.org.au/regional-migration/state-sponsored-migration-489-visa/