Tasmania State Nomination


Tasmania State Nomination

The following information may change in response to decisions made by the Australian Government in relation to the Skilled Migration Program COVID-19 response. The Tasmanian Government may also introduce further changes to the state nomination program in response to COVID-19 or to align with the skills needs of the state. It is therefore important that you continue to check this website for any changes before applying for nomination.


Flexibility will be applied to applicants genuinely affected by COVID-19 employment stand-downs before or after meeting the mandatory 6 month full-time employment.

Each application will be considered on its merits according to the particular industry, the skills of the applicant, and the likelihood of being able to return to and maintain full time in the future.


In general we will consider the following factors:

  • A minimum 3 months full time employment up to the closure or business / reduction in hours.
  • Full-time employment ceased directly due to a COVID-19 related closedown or restriction.
  • There is a reasonable likelihood of being able to return to employment (full or part-time) after the workplace restrictions have been lifted  (i.e a written evidence from employer).


Reduction in hours from full-time to part-time as a result of COVID-19 restrictions will be considered with leniency.


Source: https://www.migration.tas.gov.au/skilled_migrants/skilled_nominated_visa


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