EA has published following updates related to the migration skills assessment.
New fees structure is going to be implemented from 1 September. The fees structure is available here: https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sites/default/files/EngineersAustralia_MSA_Fees_2019-2020.pdf
Migration agent appointment form has been updated. New form is available here: https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/sites/default/files/resource-files/2019-02/Appointment%20of%20person%20to%20act%20as%20an%20agent_Feb2019.pdf
Change in the length of ban: Depending on the unethical behaviour, the ban imposed could be either 12 or 24 months. Engineers Australia maintains the right to impose or extend the ban period when the unethical behaviour was found at any stage of the process. This will be deployed soon. EA will also notify the department of Home Affairs about the unethical behaviour.
Reminder of the application process for the Migration agents:
- Please lodge your clients migration skills assessment application under their own name and EA ID. Do not lodge the application under your own Agents name and EA ID.
- Please do not seek clarification of the request through MyPortal. If you are not sure about the requested documents and/or information, please contact our Member Services team.
- Please be aware our Migration Skills Assessment Booklet is updated regularly (the most recent version is issued in May 2019). Ensure your copy is the latest version and refer to the updated application guidelines.
- If a temporary email address is used when creating an applicants EA ID (Note: this is not advised), please ensure that the email is updated to the applicants actual email address once an outcome has been given.